The Island Stroll CAL 2022
SistersInStitch + Yarn and Colors

“Come away with me and take a stroll by the sea and listen to the song of the ocean on the
docks. Lets saunter in the sunlight and feel the summer slowly arrive, and take a walk in the deep woods of the island. Let’s exhale and take some time to simply be, to relax and create. Let’s travel in the mind to the Swedish archipelago and all the beauty it has to show.”
Pillow: Part 10: The Triangles

whoop whoop!
The tenth (and second to last) week has arrived and this time we are about to make the final pieces for our Island Stroll CAL pillows: the four triangles. Filled with bobbles, front- and backposts these beauties will tie our project together and bring it all to a whole: taking it from a blanket design and turning it into a stunning pillow.
A little note before we begin:
For this week we will be using different patterns for the blanket and pillow, if you are making the blanket you’ll get to the “Joining and Border Part 1” pattern by clicking here.
Below you will find the downloadable pattern files for the pillow: one in color and one as a printer friendly version. As we only know how to speak English (and Swedish) here at SistersInStitch: the pattern are written in US-terms and the comprehensive stitch by stitch tutorials will be shown in that too.
In the Island Stroll CAL: Stitch Guide you will find techniques, abbreviation and terminology lists to help you out a long the way, and they are including UK and Swedish shortenings!
Downloadable recourses
If you wish to view the pattern on your device: this is the file for you.
If you wish to print or just read the pattern without colors, this is the file for you.
All the tips, tricks and stitch descriptions that you’ll need throughout the CAL.
And as always, when the CAL is finished; the pattern and tutorials will all stay available here on SistersInStitch so that you can crochet whenever the time is right for you.
Now grab your yarn, scroll on down and let’s begin the crochet fun..
The Video Tutorial
The Written Pattern
Part 10: The Triangles
Make 4 pieces
Colorways: (Sunlight/Sea/Woods)
Special stitches used:
dc2bobble (two double crochet bobble)
tr3bobble (three treble crochet bobble)
rnd 1 (Mustard/Cream/Ecru)
Make (1 dc3bobble + ch 3) x 6 times in a magic circle, tighten the mc and close with an invisible join to second st
– 6 dc3bobble, 6 ch3-sps
rnd 2 (Pearl/Ice Blue/Limestone) Begin around any given:
*(1 dc2bobble + ch 2) x 2 times + 1 dc2bobble around the next ch3-sp, 1 FPdc around the next st; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– 18 dc2bobble, 12 ch2-sps, 6 FPdc
rnd 3 (Old Pink/Denim/Pearl) Begin around any FPdc from rnd 2:
*1 FPdc around the next st, (1 FPhdc around the next st, 1 hdc around the next ch2-sp) x 2 times, 1 FPhdc around the next st; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– 6 FPdc, 18 FPhdc, 12 hdc
rnd 4 (Pearl/Ice Blue/Limestone) Begin in any FPdc from rnd 3:
*(1 tr3bobble + ch 3) x 3 times + 1 tr3bobble + ch 1 in the next st, skip the next 4 sts, 1 sc in the next 3 sts, ch 1, skip the next 4 sts; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– 12 tr3bobbles, 9 ch3-sps, 6 ch1-sps, 9 sc
Place your piece on a table and gently pull the corners outwards to make it lay flat.
rnd 5 (Cream/Cream/Ecru) Begin around any first ch3-sp of a corner:
*4 sc around the next ch3-sp, 1 FPsc around the next st, 2 sc + ch 2 + 2 sc around the next ch3-sp, 1 FPsc around the next st, 4 sc around the next ch3-sp, 1 FPsc around the next st, 1 sc around the next ch1-sp, 1 sc in the next 3 sts, 1 sc around the next ch1-sp, 1 FPsc around the next st; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– Per side: 17 sc, 1 ch2-sp, 4 FPsc
rnd 6 (Limestone/Limestone/Eucalyptus) Begin around any given:
*1 hdc + ch 2 + 1 hdc around the next ch2-sp, 1 hdc in the next 21 sts; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– Per side: 23 hdc, 1 ch2-sp
rnd 7 (Cream/Cream/Ecru) Begin around any given:
*3 sc around the next ch2-sp, 1 BPhdc around the next 23 sts; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– Per side: 3 sc, 23 BPhdc
rnd 8 (Cream/Cream/Ecru) Begin around the second sc of any corner:
*1 hdc + ch 2 + 1 hdc in the next st, 1 hdc in the next 25 sts; rep from * til end, close with an invisible join to the second st
– Per side: 27 hdc, 1 ch2-sp
Well done!
Your triangles are finished and you have completed part 10 of the Island Stroll CAL, we hope you had lot’s of fun making these little cuties. If you share your makes on social media: please use our official hashtag #IslandStrollCAL cause we would love to see it!

Head on over to our eleventh and final part:
The Joining!
Head on over to our eleventh and last part: The Joining!
We Are All: SistersInStitch

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