The Butterfly Effect CAL 2019
Part 4
“They all had different features and all played different roles, some were filling spaces and some creating holes. Equally important juste like the nerves within a spine, every single moment would make sense a little further down the line.”
– The Butterfly Legend
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rnd 29 (A) – start making your corner which will be made behind your work over 2 chain spaces found on each side of the the middle 2dcCL from rnd 27
*(2trCL, ch1, 2trCL) in ch-sp, ch2, sk st, (2trCL, ch1, 2trCL) in ch-sp, ch12, (2 dc, hdc, 2 sc, sc in picot2b from previous rnd and in the ch-sp, 4 sc) in ch6-sp, ch5, FPdc around FPsc, ch2, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch3-sp, ch5, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch2, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch1-sp, ch5, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch3-sp, ch2, FPdc around FPsc, ch5, (4 sc, sc in picot2b from previous rnd and the ch-sp, 2 sc, hdc, 2 dc) in ch6-sp, ch12; rep from * til end
per side – 12 2trCL, 6 ch1-sp, 2 ch12-sp, 5 ch2-sp, 7 dc, 2 hdc, 9 sc, 3 ch5-sp, 2 FPdc

rnd 30 (B) – start in any corner
*(2 dc, tr, ch2, tr, 2 dc), FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (8 hdc, dc, ch1, dc, 8 hdc) in ch12-sp, tr in the next 2 sts, (tr, picot2b, tr), dc, hdc, sc in the next 4 sts, (hdc, 2 dc), 7 hdc around ch5-sp, FPhdc around FPdc, 3 hdc in ch2-sp, [FPhdc around CL, hdc in ch1-sp] x3, FPhdc around CL, (4 hdc, FPtr around the FPsc from rnd 28, 4 hdc) in ch5-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL,
(dc, tr, ch1, tr, dc) in ch2-sp, FPdc around CL, dc in ch-sp, FPdc around CL, (4 hdc, FPtr around the FPsc from rnd 28, 4 hdc) in ch5-sp, [FPhdc around CL, hdc in ch1-sp] x3, FPhdc around CL, 3 hdc in ch2-sp, FPhdc around FPdc, 7 hdc around ch5-sp, (2 dc, hdc), sc in the next 4 sts, hdc, dc, (tr, picot2b, tr), tr in the next 2 sts, (8 hdc, dc, ch1, dc, 8 hdc) in ch12-sp, FPdc around CL, dc around ch1-sp, FPdc around CL; rep from * til end
per side – 20 dc, 12 tr, 2 ch2-sp, 8 FPdc, 78 hdc, 3 ch1-sp, 2 picot2b, 8 sc, 10 FPhdc, 2 FPtr

rnd 31 (C) – start in any corner
*(3 tr, ch3, 3 tr), [2 tr, tr in the next 2 sts] x2, 2 dc in the next 2 sts, 2 hdc, sc in the next 6 sts, sl st through ch-sp and picot2b coming up – place a stitch marker in the st just after the picot2b as it might be hard to locate after the sl st is made – sc in the next 4 sts, FPsc around the 2nd FPsc from the corner end of rnd 28 AND in the next st, sc in the next 7 sts, now continue where you placed the stitch marker – sc in the next 6 sts, BPsc in the next 4 sts, sc in the hdc (in the first 2trCL from rnd 27) from rnd 28 AND in the next st in the current rnd, sc in the next 2 sts, hdc in the next 2 sts, 2 dc, 2 tr around the next st, ch3, FPsc around the FPhdc, BPsc in the next 14 sts, FPsc around the FPtr, BPhdc in the next 3 sts, BPdc in the next 3 sts, BPtr in the next 3 sts,
(tr, dtr, ch3, dtr, tr) in ch-sp, BPtr in the next 3 sts, BPdc in the next 3 sts, BPhdc in the next 3 sts, FPsc around the FPtr, BPsc in the next 14 sts, FPsc around the FPhdc, ch3, 2 tr around the next st, 2 dc, hdc in the next 2 sts, sc in the next 2 sts, sc in the 8th st (hdc) from rnd 28 counted after the FPsc AND in the next st, BPsc in the next 4 sts, sc in the next 6 sts, sk picot2b and push it in front and continue in the next st, sc in the next 7 sts, fpsc around the first FPsc from the corner start of rnd 28 AND in the next st, sc in the next 4 sts, turn back and pick up the picot2b and the ch1-sp and sl st through both of them, sc in the next 6 sts, 2 hdc, 2 dc in the next 2 sts, [tr in the next 2 sts, 2 tr] x2; rep from * til end
per side – 28 tr, 4 ch3-sp, 12 dc, 8 hdc, 2 sl st, 56 sc, 36 BPsc, 4 FPsc, 6 BPhdc, 6 BPdc, 6 BPtr, 2 dtr

rnd 32 (D) – start in any corner
*(sc, hdc, dc, ch2, dc, hdc, sc), BPdc in the next 8 sts, BPhdc in the next 4 sts, BPsc, ch3, sk 4 sts, sc in the next 6 sts, sk 13 sts or the little mini cocoon made in previous rnd, sc in the next 6 sts, your next st should be the BPsc, hdc, (hdc, dc), 3 dc, (dc, hdc), FPsc, sk st, hdc, 2 dc in the next 3 sts, 2 tr in the next 2 sts, picot2b, (tr, dc), (hdc, 2 sc) in the ch3-sp, FPsc around FPsc, sk 1 st, BPsc in the next 10 sts,
The next part is tricky so pay close attention:
in the next st you will do a sc2tog with this st and (sk 5 sts) the next one (i.e. there will be 5 skipped sts in between), now do a sc2tog in the 2 sts that end up next to each other going down toward the fp sts, sk the next 2 sts, FPsc around FPsc
ch10, sk the 8 unworked sts and in top ch-sp make (2 sc, ch2, 2 sc), ch10, sk 11 sts
Again this part is tricky but in reverse so pay close attention:
FPsc around FPsc, now you’re crocheting the two sides together, sk 1 st on each side, sc2tog in the next 2 sts that end up next to each other when pushing the sides together, sc2tog in the next 2 sts again next to each other, BPsc in the next 10 sts, sk st, FPsc, (2 sc, hdc) in ch3-sp, (dc, tr, picot2b), 2 tr in the next 2 sts, 2 dc in the next 3 sts, hdc, sk st, FPsc, (hdc, dc), 3 dc, (dc, hdc), hdc, sc in the next 6 sts, sk 13 sts or the little mini cocoon made in previous rnd, sc in the next 6 sts, ch3, sk 4 sts, BPsc, BPhdc in the next 4 sts, BPdc in the next 8 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 36 sc, 14 hdc, 26 dc, 2 ch2, 16 BPdc, 8 BPhdc, 22 BPsc, 2 ch3, 6 FPsc, 10 tr, 2 picot2b, 4 sc2tog, 2 ch10-sp

rnd 33 (E) – start in any corner
*(hdc, dc, tr, ch2, tr, dc, hdc), sc in the next 16 sts, sc in ch3-sp, sc in the 2 middle sts of the 4 unworked sts from rnd 31 i.e skipping the 1st and the 4th, sc in the next 16 sts, (dc, picot2b, dc), hdc, sc in the next 2 sts, FPsc around FPsc, sk st, sc in the next 10 sts, BPdc around the last worked st, sk picot from previous rnd, BPdc, picot2b, sc in the next 4 sts, FPsc around FPsc, sk st, sc in the next 9 sts, dc3tog finishing in the FPsc,
now you will work up the middle in sts from rnd 31 leaving the ch from rnd 32 alone
tr in the next 2 sts, dc in the next 6 sts, sk the 2 sc from rnd 32,
(4 dc, ch2, 4 dc) in ch2-sp from rnd 32, sk the 2 sc from rnd 32, dc in the next 6 sts, tr in the next 2 sts, dc3tog starting in the FPsc, sc in the next 10 sts, FPsc, sk st, sc in the next 3 sts, picot2b, sk picot from previous rnd, BPdc in the next 2 sts, sc in the last worked st, sc in the next 10 sts, FPsc, sc in the next 2 sts, hdc, (dc, picot2b, dc), sc in the next 16 sts, sc in the 2 middle sts of the 4 unworked sts from rnd 31 i.e skipping the 1st and 4th, sc in ch3-sp, sc in the next 16 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 4 hdc, 26 dc, 6 tr, 2 ch2-sp, 121 sc, 4 picot2b, 4 FPsc, 4 BPdc, 2 3dctog

You are finished, well done!
Crochet Chart
The pdf version of the chart

…make some tea
…take a picture of your progress and share it with the #TheButterflyEffectCAL2019
…update your Ravelry project
…bake some cookies
…share some love to all the amazing people who have helped us make this CAL happen
…take cookies out of the oven (or the package)
…take a walk
…share a cookie with someone you hold dear

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