Part 6
“Deep down below and high up in the sky, they travelled far and wide but never ever made a cry. The wind would be their carrier and help them on their way, some flew into the darkest night and some inly in the day.”
– The Butterfly Legend
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rnd 40 (G) – start in any corner
in this rnd you will be going up and down jumping between several different rnds. From the top you will be making chains letting you ”climb” down as far as to rnd 33. Starting from the top of rnd 39 (dc-couples) you will attach in the unworked sts from rnd 38 (there are 19×2 of these places on each side), then down to rnd 36 and finally in rnd 33. After this you will make the same climb but going up. This will be done diagonally so therefore you will skip a lot of sts, so take care to look at the pictures and following instructions well.
*(dc, 2 tr, ch3, 2 tr, dc), FPdc in the next 2 sts, dc in the next 3 sts, hdc in the next 3 sts, sc, ch3, sc in the 1st unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch4, FPsc around the 2nd BPhdc from rnd 36, ch6, sc in the corner ch-sp of rnd 33, ch6, FPsc around the 8th BPhdc from rnd 36, ch4, sc in the 5th unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch3,
sc in between the 5th ”dc-couple”, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38, sc in between the next dc-couple, ch3, sc in next unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch4, FPsc around the 19th BPhdc from rnd 36, ch16, esc around sts from rnd 33/32/30 i.e going through the small mini cocoon just before the butterfly wing, ch16, FPsc around the 40th BPhdc from rnd 36, ch4, sc in the 16th unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch3
sc in between the 16th dc-couple, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38, sc in between the next dc-couple, ch3, sc in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38 <no.18>, ch4, FPsc around 53rd BPhdc from rnd 36, ch11, FPsc around 3dctog from rnd 33, ch14, sc around the last BPhdc before the ch3 in the middle of rnd 39, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch2, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in ch3-sp, sk hidden st, sc around the next st,
ch14, FPsc around the 3dctog from rnd 33, ch11, FPsc around 8th BPhdc from rnd 36, ch4, sc in the 2nd unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch3, sc in between the 2nd dc-couple, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38, sc in between the next dc-couple, ch3, sc in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38 (no.4), ch4, FPsc around 21st BPhdc from rnd 36, ch16, esc around sts from rnd 33/32/30 i.e going through the small mini cocoon just before the butterfly wing, ch16, FPsc around the 42nd BPhdc from rnd 36, ch4, sc in the 13th unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch3, sc in between the 13th dc-couple, (2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL, ch1, 2dcCL) in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38,
sc in between the next dc-couple, ch3, sc in the next unworked BPsc from rnd 38 (no.15), ch4, FPsc around the 53rd BPhdc from rnd 36, ch6, sc in the corner ch-sp from rnd 33, ch6, FPsc around the second to last BPhdc from rnd 36 (no.59), ch4, sc in the last unworked BPsc from rnd 38, ch3, sc in the last dc from rnd 39, hdc in the next 3 sts, dc in the next 3 sts, FPdc in the next 2 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 8 dc, 4 tr, 10 ch3-sp, 4 FPdc, 6 hdc, 24 sc, 12 FPsc, 10 ch4-sp, 4 ch6-sp, 4 ch16-sp, 2 esc, 16 2dcCL, 10 ch1-sp, 2 ch11-sp, 2 ch4-sp, 1 ch2-sp

rnd 41 (F) – start in the second sc made in the corner ch-sp of rnd 33
In this rnd you will not be crocheting in the corners but you will be going up and down the vines created in the previous rnd.
*sc, (7 sc, dc) in ch6-sp, FPdc around FPsc, (hdc, 4 sc, picot2b) in ch4-sp, FPsc around sc, 3 sc in ch3-cp, sk sc, FPhdc around CL, (2 dc, tr) in ch1-sp, FPtr around CL, (tr, 2 dc) in ch1-sp, FPhdc around CL, sk sc, 3 sc in ch3, FPsc around sc, (4 sc, hdc) in ch4, FPdc around FPsc,
(dc, picot2b, hdc, 3 sc, hdc, dc, picot2b⭐︎ sl st placed in 26th st of rnd 35⭐︎, dc, hdc, 8 sc, hdc around the ch AND the unworked ch on the back of your work from rnd 32, dc, picot2b, 2 dc, hdc, 6 sc) in ch16-sp, FPsc around esc,
(3 sc, 2 dc, picot2b, dc, hdc, sc -placed on the back of your work in the 3rd sts of rnd 32&31 – the first hdc of the butterfly wing and around the ch- 7, sc, hdc, 2 dc, picot2b⭐︎ sl st placed in 35th st of rnd 35⭐︎, dc, hdc, 2 dc, tr, picot2b⭐︎ sl st placed in between 13th dc couple from rnd 39⭐︎, tr, dc, hdc), FPsc around FPsc,
(5 sc, picot2b) in ch4-sp, FPsc around sc, 3 sc in ch3-sp, sk sc, FPhdc around CL, (2 dc, tr) in ch1-sp, FPtr around CL, (tr, 2 dc) in ch1-sp, FPhdc around CL, sk sc,
3 sc in ch3-sp, FPsc around sc, (dc, picot2b, 2 dc, hdc, sc) in ch4-sp, FPsc around FPsc, (8 hdc, 6 sc) in ch11-sp, FPsc around FPsc,
(6 sc, 2 hdc, hdc around ch AND in the 3rd hdc from top in ch11, hdc, sc in 57th st of rnd 35 and around the ch, 3 hdc, hdc in both ch AND in 2nd BPhdc from rnd 39, 2 hdc) in ch14-sp, sk sc,
FPhdc around CL, 2 dc in ch1-sp, FPdc around CL, (2 dc, tr, ch1, tr, 2 dc) in ch2-sp, FPdc around CL, 2 dc in ch1-sp, FPhdc around CL, sk sc,
(2 hdc, hdc in ch AND in 4th BPhdc from rnd 39, 3 hdc, sc in 4th st from rnd 35 and around the ch, 4 hdc, 6 sc) in ch14-sp, FPsc around FPsc, (6 sc, 5 hdc, sl st around the post of the 7th hdc ch14 -the one after the sc made in rnd 35 and in the ch-, 3 hdc) in ch11-sp, FPsc around sc, (sc, hdc, 2 dc, picot2b, dc) in ch4-sp, FPsc around sc, 3 sc in ch3-sp, sk sc,
FPhdc around CL, (2 dc, tr) in ch1-sp, FPtr around CL, (tr, 2 dc) in ch1-sp, FPhdc around CL, sk sc, 3 sc in ch3-sp, FPsc around sc, picot2b, 5 sc in ch4-sp, FPsc around FPsc,
(hdc, dc, tr, picot2b⭐︎ sl st placed in between 6th dc couple from rnd 39⭐︎, tr, 2 dc, hdc, dc, picot2b⭐︎ sl st placed in 26th st of rnd 35⭐︎, 2 dc, hdc, 7 sc, sc -placed on the back of your work in the 3rd sts of rnd 32&31 – the first dc in mid of the butterfly wing and around the ch- hdc, dc, picot2b, 2 dc, 3 sc) in ch16-sp, FPsc around esc,
(6 sc, hdc, 2 dc, picot2b, dc, hdc around the ch AND the unworked ch on the back of your work from rnd 32, 8 sc, hdc, dc, picot2b⭐︎ sl st placed in 35th st of rnd 35⭐︎, dc, hdc, 3 sc, hdc, picot2b, 2 dc) in ch16-sp, FPdc around FPsc, (hdc, 4 sc) in ch4-sp, FPsc around sc, 3 sc in ch3-sp, sk sc, FPhdc around CL, (2 dc, tr) in ch1-sp, FPtr around CL, (tr, 2 dc) in ch1-sp, FPhdc around CL, sk sc,
3 sc in ch3-sp, FPsc around sc, (picot2b, 4 sc, hdc) in ch4-sp, FPdc around FPsc, (dc, 7 sc) in ch6-sp, sc in sc, ch1; rep from * til end
per side – 153 sc, 62 dc, 5 FPdc, 60 hdc, 18 picot2b, 16 FPsc, 10 FPhdc, 13 tr, 5 sl st, 3 FPtr, 2 ch1-sp

rnd 42 (B) – start in any corner of rnd 40
*(2 hdc, dc, ch2, dc, 2 hdc), hdc in the next 12 sts, now keep crocheting along the side in the sts from rnd 39:
dc in the next 13 sts, starting in the ch1-sp, make sure you are crocheting in each st and around the ch1-sp, ch5, sk 5 sts, which will be 2 dc-couples and ch1-sp, dc in the next 28 sts, ch5, sk 5 sts, dc in the next 6 sts, ch12, sk 8 sts incl the ch-sp, dc in the next 6 sts, ch5, sk 5 sts, dc in the next 28 sts, ch5, sk 5 sts, dc in the next 13 sts, now crochet in rnd 40 again, hdc in the next 12 sts; rep from * til end
per side – 28 hdc, 96 dc, 1 ch2-sp, 4 ch5-sp, 1 ch12-sp

rnd 43 (A) – start in any corner
*(2 hdc, ch1, 2 hdc), [dc, BPdc around the same st] x3, dc in the next 9 sts, hdc in the next 3 sts, dc in the next 13 sts, ch5, sk ch5, dc in the next 28 sts, ch5, sk ch5, dc in the next 6 sts, ch5, sc around ch-sp from rnd 41 and ch12 from rnd 42, ch1, sc around ch-sp from rnd 41 and ch12 from rnd 42, ch5, dc in the next 6 sts, ch5, sk ch5, dc in the next 28 sts, ch5, sk ch5, dc in the next 13 sts, hdc in the next 3 sts, dc in the next 9 sts, [dc, BPdc around the same st] x3; rep from * til end
per side – 10 hdc, 2 ch1-sp, 118 dc, 6 BPdc, 6 ch5-sp, 2 sc

rnd 44 (C) – start in any corner – in this rnd you will crochet in the unworked sts and chains from rnd 40 and around the corner to start making cocoons in the corners
(2 dc, 3 tr, 2 dc), FPdc around 2 sts, FPdc in the next 6 sts, 6 dc2tog, jump down to the ch-sp in rnd 40, (tr, 2 dc), BPdc around FPsc, 5 dc in ch-sp, BPdc around FPsc, 6 dc in next ch-sp, tr2tog in both chains meaning that you start climbing back up to the corner again, 6 dc in ch-sp, BPdc around FPsc, 5 dc in next ch-sp, BPdc around FPsc, (2 dc, tr) in next ch-sp, jumping back up to rnd 43 start in the hdc going back to the corner, 6 dc2tog, FPdc in the next 6 sts, FPdc around 2 sts,
Cut yarn, fasten and rep for the remaining three corners.
per cocoon – 30 dc, 5 tr, 14 FPdc, 12 dc2tog, 4 BPdc, 1 tr2tog,

rnd 45 (G) – start in the first dc2tog on the right side of a big cocoon before any corner
*[(hdc, dc, picot2b), (dc, hdc), (sc, hdc)] x4, hdc, dc2tog in the next 2 sts, tr3tog in the next 3 sts, dc2tog in the next 2 sts, [(hdc, dc, picot2b), (dc, hdc), (sc, hdc)] x4, (hdc, dc, picot2b), (dc, hdc), hdc in the next 10 sts, dc in the next 4 sts, dc4tog in the next 4 sts, dc in the next 4 sts, hdc in the next 10 sts, sk hdc from rnd 45 and sl st in dc from rnd 45,
Now you will be crocheting in rnd 43 until you get to the next cocoon corner starting off in last st before the cocoon just made – the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time go over the cocoon BPhdc and place the next stitch in the unworked stitch behind that (which will be a dc)
sc, ch10, BPsc around each of the 2 corner tr from rnd 40 but around the ”st head” and not around the post, ch10, sc in the first unworked st in rnd 43 (which will be a dc),
BPhdc in the next 12 sts, ch2, hdc around both chs, ch2, BPhdc in the next 28 sts, ch2, hdc around both chs, ch2, BPhdc in 6 sts, ch2, hdc around both chs, ch2, (hdc, ch1, hdc) in ch1-sp, ch2, hdc around both chs, ch2, BPhdc in the next 6 sts, ch2, hdc around both chs, ch2, BPhdc in the next 28 sts, ch2, hdc around both chs, ch2, BPhdc in the next 12 sts, sk st; rep from * til end
per side – 55 hdc, 26 dc, 9 picot2b, 10 sc, 2 dc2tog, 1 tr3tog, 1 dc4tog, 1 sl st, 2 ch10-sp, 2 BPsc, 92 BPhdc, 10 ch2-sp, 1 ch1-sp

You are finished, well done!
Crochet Chart
The pdf version of the chart

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