The Pretty Poinsettia Series

The Story Behind...
The idea of the Pretty Poinsettia flower came to be as the result of a late night discussion with an Instagram friend.
We came to talk about the upcoming Christmas, how sad it is as an allergic to not be able to have any seasonal flowers inside and she especially misses poinsettias..
So after some tea I decided to go for it and an hour or so later; the Pretty Poinsettia came to be. And from that single flower spun a serie with 3 add on patterns of things you can use it for. Scroll down to find the hanging ornament, bauble and napkin ring-add on instructions.
Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced crocheter; we hope you’ll have a really good time.
Merry Early Christmas.
Hope you’ll have lots of fun!

Simply click on the pictures below to download the add on pattern instructions.
Be inspired by the rainbow of beautiful makes you are working on! Simply click on any picture above to get to know a fellow SistersInStitch maker on their Instagram page. Use the hashtag: #PrettyPoinsettiaFlower on your posts to have your make featured here and keep inspire others.
We Are All: SistersInStitch

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