Seen in press & print

We at SistersInStitch love working together with other designers, companies and magazines. 

Here below you’ll find examples of published collaborations.  

A collage of the Wolfbay Wallflower in beige calm tones

The Desert Island Interview
in Crochetzine issue 26, August 2020

A 10 slide interview with Therese Eghult about which 3 crocheted items she would bring to a desert Island and why.Β 

The Fluffy Puffy PillowΒ designed by Therese Eghult, modeled by her daughter Little EΒ and photographed in collaboration with Sofia Pettersson from Fotograf Sofias.

The LoLo Loop Baby Teether designed by Therese Eghult and photographed in collaboration with Sofia Pettersson from Fotograf Sofias.

The Ultimate Granny Square Sourcebook
with Meteoor Books, September 2019

10 out of the 100 squares designedΒ by Therese Eghult.

The Vimple for your DimpleΒ designed by Kela Ahnhem.


Inside Crochet Magazine